Ben and Sam meet up with a new pardner, a conjurer who learns new money-makin' tricks from the future.
Magus was delighted with the splendid fund-raising idea Sam brought from the future. “That is truly
remarkable! Not even Peter, James or John go around dunning their disciples for
ten per cent of their salaries and wages! And no form of the tithing law is ever
observed by Gentile believers. Jewish farmers and herdsmen still tithe on their
products, but no fisherman or potter ever pays tithes of fish or pottery to the
Jewish Temple! How will religious leaders of your day manage to convince even
the poorest Gentile widows they must tithe on filthy lucre? And especially since, as you told me earlier, the Temple will
be destroyed in only a few decades, and the Levitical priest system shall cease operations?”
“Most folks don’t know this,” Sam drawled, “but institutionalized tithing on money
didn’t start until the Middle Ages, when the great false church system begins to persecute the kind of ‘little
flock church’ Peter and his associates shepherd. Rich prelates will rise
up among the nobility of the land. They will live like kings. Instead of a few humble raggedy apostles running around on bare feet, those lordly rulers shall be decked
in rich vestments and miters. They will be carried around in litters, being hailed
as demi-gods. People will kneel before them and call them the closest reality to Christ Himself, and treat these powerful
men as if they were Christ Himself.
The great edifices of the worldwide institutional church will be vast. Statues and icons will adorn them. They will be palaces bedecked by the gold of starving
peasants around the world. And it costs plenty of money to maintain the princes
of such a worldwide superchurch in the splendor they’ve grown used to. It is at times like that where forging convenient
‘principles’ out of the written Word of God comes in handy. Now we
admit, not one verse in all the Bible, Old or New Testament, ever commands believers to pay tithes on money, but on agricultural
produce only, and even then, only under the old Jewish covenant, and you and I know Gentiles aren’t under the old ceremonial
law anyway. But most people of our time are so busy with their kids and their
jobs, they’ll just take the preacher’s word for it that God wants them to tithe out of their meager cash wages.”
“So they will be too busy to investigate whether the heavy yoke placed upon them is legitimate,”
Magus mused. “I marvel that such a lie will be so easily swallowed, though.”
“Well, Magus,” Ben said, “you yourself believe in drawing deeper truths out of that which
is plainly stated in Scripture. ‘Principles’, that’s the word
for it. Or, ‘reading between the lines’, you might call it. God’s Word can be considered a love letter to His people, and what is implied,
or what can be deduced through an interpretation of Scripture based on spiritual
mysticism is often regarded as being just as binding as the literal letter of the Law. In that way, people add to the written
requirements of the Word of God. In various places, the ‘ten per cent’
principle recurs. Melchisedek was presented
with ten per cent of Abraham’s booty of war. Kings were honored with tribute of ten per cent or more. Like in I Samuel Chapter 8, the Israelites demand that God give them a king. So what does Samuel the prophet do but warn them that if they get that king, he’ll confiscate ten
per cent of all they possess?”
“So the religious kings of your time enrich themselves by laying tribute upon the people of God?”
Magus said wonderingly.
“Yes, Magus. People are led to believe that since the ‘ten per cent’ standard of giving
keeps on cropping up, the Christian slaving away at a humble job is obligated to hand ten per cent of his wages over to the
one doing the more important job of preaching. And he is to give this amount
even before Caesar is paid his taxes.”
“But you said the Roman Empire would someday fall, Ben.”
“Different form, same essence,” Sam said. “Our
leaders might not be called ‘Caesar’, but they sure do act like it!”
“So the preacher of your day justifies taxing God’s children ten per
cent, based on what they claim is an unspoken, implied command of God Himself?” Magus remarked. “Principles for successful living include obeying laws that aren’t even written in Scripture. I have taught you well, Ben. Delving
into mysticism has its advantages. Someday the church will be clothed in splendor,
and her princes will be garbed in gold. That is how it should be.”
* * * * *
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